I have noticed a couple of places recently discussing unwanted pregnancies. The ease with which the parties injected the possibility of abortion astonished me and really made me start thinking. I never really considered myself to be 'pro-life' but I realize that is probably what I have become over the years! I realize that there are circumstances that are NOT good for pregnancies for a variety of reasons. It just occurred to me that there are lots of people who support and speak in favor of the rights of the woman involved who can speak for herself...but who speaks for the baby who cannot? Who decided that just because that baby can not live on it's own it's not a human yet? Who decided that terminating the life of an unborn child is ok while terminating the life of one 1 day old is not? What is the difference really? Ending a life is ending a life isn't it? How do the women who opt for that solution reconcile themselves to termination of a life created by THEM? "I don't want this..." "It was an accident..." ok that's probably true. However I believe that is an inherent responsibility that one assumes when a sexual relationship is entered into. The choice of whether or not to reproduce is certainly yours... but if you don't want to conceive children don't conceive.. once you are pregnant IT'S TOO LATE..FYI you HAVE reproduced! Once a life has begun I believe you are responsible to nurture that life. YOU created life...It's up to YOU to take care of it..not get rid of it if it doesn't fit your plans. If you are not in the position to raise the child personally, it's your responsibility to put that child where it can have a loving, happy atmosphere to grow up in.
Ok that being said, I'm going to spew a minute about standing behind your convictions. If one can be cold blooded enough to kill an innocent baby....and believe it's their right to do so, why don't most have the convictions to stand up and say 'yes I committed this act and I believe it's ok '? Are they afraid of public opinion? Why, if you are doing something that's ok? Is it because they know they are doing something for THEM at the highest cost of the innocent they created? This being true, the guilt and haunting nightmares that surely haunt them are well deserved aren't they?