Facets of V

Just a place to talk about whatever is on my mind!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I have a blog friend who is in the entertainment field. He is talented, hard working, cares deeply about his craft. A project of his was recently put in front of an audience...one that had taken considerable time and effort on the part of many people. Then along come critics. I read a couple of them and it made me start wondering...who the hell are these people and what the hell gives them the right to say what is and is not enjoyable to the rest of the world? I thought the project was very enjoyable....moving and thought provoking. So what gives these critics the right to tell me anything different. Has there been a bulletin posted that says we must not think for ourselves but must ask what we are to listen to, watch, eat, wear, read etc? So what if I like country music and some critic doesn't....or if I love 'chick flicks' and some critic prefers sci'fi? They can all kiss my rosy ass.....I will continue to make my own choices and decisions based on MY preferences as long as my brain is functioning. And my friends project was kick ass..not just because he is a friend...but because I LIKED IT and I am sure there are many thousands of people who felt the same way. You keep up the good work friend!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spring Vacation 2007

Well this is where I departed from in Texas and below is where I landed in Minnesota. Both are beautiful aren't they? The temps in the top picture were in the 80's and the temps in the lower were in the 60's. I actually do prefer cooler temps. I love spring with the crisp, clear air and the impossibly blue skies. The sense of rebirth. Both of these scenes are calming. I could have sat and watched that ice float around that lighthouse for hours at a time. Maybe that one fascinated me more since it's so foreign to me. We don't have snow and very rarely ice here. We don't even have very many days of freezing weather a year normally. Here it's kids, chaos and responsibility...there it was peace, relaxation and no pressure. Altogether a very nice vacation....just WAY too short.