Facets of V

Just a place to talk about whatever is on my mind!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Don't know me

Why does it seem like some of the people I think know me best, really don't? It surprises me and it actually hurts my feelings too, when someone gives one of my actions a motivation completely opposite to the way I think or feel. A good example: A few years ago my children were laughing and talking, and a comment was made implying that I am one of those interfering mother/mother-in-laws. Nothing could be further from the truth..I don't go to my children's homes often..never unannounced or uninvited. I do not dole out unsolicited opinions or advice. I try very hard just to be there if they need me. They were joking but it wasn't funny to me. The same thing applies to what I consider to be close friends...the people who should know what makes me tick. I think sometimes that even tho you explain your thoughts and feelings, people really only hear what they want to hear. Or are they just distracted and what you said just didn't register? Or maybe they just don't care to know that much about you? Who knows............I guess we are all guilty to some degree.


At 6:19 AM, Blogger Tom said...

What happens is that people cast the people around them in roles they need for them to play. Somebody needs to have an interfering mother in their life in order to justify some kind of resentment or assuage some kind of guilt or excuse some kind of behavior and you're handy so you get the job. What I've discovered is that I do the same thing to other people and my theory is that if we work very hard to make sure we aren't assigning any roles to anybody around us, by some magical process the same largesse circles back to us. It all goes back to Gandhi's great maxim: BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.

Great to hear from you, V.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Facets of V said...

Thanks for the insight Tom, I hadn't considered that!! Good to have you back too.

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Facets of V said...

excellent question Sage!


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